Sailaway Nov 14-15

  • Saturday, 14 November 2020 12:00 pm 
    Sunday, 15 November 2020 5:00 pm


Progressive dinner will happen in the first half next year so in the meantime…

Time to get some sailing in with Refuge/Americas Bays as our ultimate destination.

Meet at Towlers Bay Saturday for a noon departure.

For those that can get out Friday get some extra social in with other members.

Destination & sail course to be decided by attendees on the day depending on what the weather gives us.

The comments area below is a great way to let others know if you can attend or not and who to expect,

also, if you can make it at the last minute you can see who’s coming and perhaps give them a call on the day.

Will make sure that destination and course, once decided, is posted on the wall for late comers to join in.


Perhaps Towlers Bay to Refuge/Americas Bays.


No trip leader required

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