Sat, 26 Sep 2020 12:00 noon Sun, 27 Sep 2020 5:00 pm
A cruise to Hardys Bay (weather dependent) which may be a first for many of you as it involves a passage through the channel from Little Box Head around Half Tide Rocks. This is not difficult but requires some preparation and is a good exercise in pilotage as you need to ensure you follow the channel markers and plan the passage considering the daily tides and your draft. Thankfully the channel has been dredged since I last did this passage a couple of years ago.
I have done some of the preparation for you in the attached document and a chart extract for those who don't have the required charts.
The plan is to leave Towlers Bay about 13:00 and to sail up to the channel entrance at Little Box Head and follow the channel into Hardys Bay with a rising tide. We will anchor to the north of the moorings in Hardys Bay and there is a jetty not far away on the western shore to go ashore where we can gather in the park in groups of 10 for sundowners.
From the jetty it is a pleasant walk around the shoreline to the shops and cafe which we can do on Sunday morning perhaps for brunch or morning coffee.
Please let me know if you will be attending.