Events Calendar for January – June 2021
Hello members
Click here for the events calendar for the first 6 months of 2021.
Each month we have one event with a designated leader, an assigned
destination plus activities at the discretion of the leader.
Please join me in thanking the members who have undertaken to lead the
monthly events.
Our first SYCC event of 2021 is the beach get together and BYO picnic
lunch at Towlers Bay on 9 January. Come along and join the SYCC
committee for a bit of fun and socialising.
Other than the club organised events our beautiful waterways and club
moorings are beckoning use, any day. If you decide to come out on a
Sail Away Any Day, we encourage you to let other members know with a
simple post on the SYCC Wall. Our webmaster has made a
few adjustments to the members area of the Wall to make posting easier
and visible to members only.
Arriving on the water we ask all members to please make a VHF Ch16
general " sigh see " call out. If no members respond you have at least
promoted our club as an active user of the waterways. Also practicing
regular VHF procedure as outlined in our website is an important part
of safe boating.
See you out there.
Roman Zwolenski
SYCC Events Coordinator