The Small Yacht Cruising Club of Pittwater Inc.ABN77 833 839 556(SYCC) is a small, strong and friendly sailing club operating out of Pittwater


We are keen to foster the love of sailing in a safe, responsible and sociable manner. Our members take pride in their yachts, and enjoy swapping ideas and stories.

The club has evolved since its inception in 1975, yet the spirit of friendship and camaraderie remains despite the increased size of boats, busy waterways and hectic lives. Members mainly live in Sydney, and other areas of NSW. They have a diversity of backgrounds and sailing ability.

The common thread is a love of boating, respect for each other and others on the water and sharing fellowship.

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Purely a cruising yacht club with no club house

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a maximum 50 boats (100 people), thereby maintaining a personal touch

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7 moorings in Pittwater and Cowan Creek area

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offering a combination of sailing and social activities

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knowledge and expertise freely shared



SYCC events are finally permitted again.  However, relevant social distancing and strict hygiene standards are expected when meeting up with other members. Boats may raft, however it is up to the discretion of the member holding the mooring.

The events listed on the website provide a flavour of the type of events usually scheduled across the year, although subject to change, especially in these uncertain times with COVID-19.

Sailing, cruising and social events are scheduled on a regular basis within Pittwater, Broken Bay and further afield, with members taking turns at being trip leaders.  Examples include trips to Sydney Harbour in company of other yachts, heading north to ports such as Newcastle, Port Stephens and the Whitsundays.

On occasions, members join up on one yacht if disinclined to take their own boats longer distances.

Local sailing events are often of a novelty nature, to encourage participation whilst at the same time improving sailing skills.  E.G. Right of way exercises, navigation to a destination including a fun element, night sailing.



We welcome enquiries from new sailing and cruising friends with likeminded attitudes.

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